
Getting Back Into A Routine

I am so excited about this blog post. My daily and weekly routines have fallen to the wayside lately and I’m desperate to get them back on track. I’ve partnered with Hannah Holzum to bring us all some of her best ideas for developing a routine! Hannah is a registered dietitian nutritionist and creator of Wholesome Nutrition Co, a virtual nutrition coaching and meal planning company. Hannah has worked as a dietitian for nearly 15 years and has helped thousands of adults and kids develop healthy eating habits during that time. 

In her signature coaching program “Metabolism Makeover”, she helps busy moms get into a healthy eating routine while losing body fat/increasing muscle mass to feel and look their best. As a mom of 3 very active daughters, she understands firsthand how difficult it is to make time to eat well and exercise when you’re running kids around and trying to keep it all afloat!

The holidays are behind us and January is here! I don’t know about you, but January feels like the perfect time to get back into a routine. As a mom of three daughters and a business owner, I THRIVE on routine. 

Here are my top tips on how to create a routine:

  • Write down your top priorities that you want to focus on. Are you hoping to exercise more? Do you want to stay more organized? I find so much value in writing things down. Jot down 2-3 things you want to add to your routine in 2023. You can keep these in your phone or in a journal.
  • Now write down 1-2 action steps you’ll do for each of your top 2-3 focuses. Here’s an example: If your goal is to eat more fruits and vegetables, maybe your two action steps are:
    • I will wash and cut up all fruits and vegetables once I get home from the grocery store.
    • I will add one fruit or vegetable to all meals and snacks.
  • The final, and maybe most important tip: Check in on how you’re doing! Are you adding value to your routine? Are you doing the things you said you were going to do? Is it working well and is it positively impacting your day-to-day life?

Here are a few things I’ve added to my daily routine that helps me feel successful!

  • I wake up 45 minutes before my kids wake up to have a little quiet time. During this time, I do my bible study, go over the daily schedule, and chat with my husband about what we have going on that day. This time gives me a minute to breathe and get my thoughts organized before the chaos starts.
  • I make my bed, start a load of laundry, and make sure my surroundings are picked up. Doing this helps me feel less anxious/overwhelmed as I start my day.
  • I drink about 20 ounces of water after I have my morning coffee. Drinking enough water is hard and I have to be mindful about it. Knocking out 20 oz first thing helps the rest of my day go smoother.

I can’t wait to jumpstart the year with these tips! Learn more about Hannah and her programs at Wholesome Nutrition Co and on Instagram and Facebook.

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