home projects



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Do you have a guest room? If so, is it guest ready? Today I am sharing a few of my favorite tips to make sure you are prepared for the last minute drop in from your mother in law or college best friend! I have listed below some important tips to keep in mind when preparing your guest room!


1: Make it cozy! There is nothing like a nice set of crisp percale sheets and a comfortable mattress! You want to make your guests as cozy as possibly and a comfy bed is the best way to do so. If you missed how to make the perfect bed post from last week you can read more on that here. I like to keep an extra blanket handy in case someone wants extra layers!

2: A Sound Machine or a small fan is always nice! I don’t sleep well unless I have some white noise so it is nice to give your guests that option!

3: Keep them hydrated! Place a bottle of water or a carafe next to the bed so your guests aren’t trying to find their way to your kitchen in the dark! Plus I don’t know about you but I get dehydrated easily when I travel so water is a must!

4: Fresh towels and bathroom essentials! I recently received a black hand towel for makeup removal as a gift and I think it’s just genius! No more black mascara smeared all over white towels. Makeup remover cloths are also nice to leave for your guests. These are some of my favorites. I love to have a beautiful hand soap that smells good in the guest bath. A shower cap is also a great item to have on hand.

5: Travel size essentials! Put a little basket on the bathroom counter with travel size toothpaste, packets of ibuprofen or tylenol, shampoo/conditioner. Just in case your guest forgot something!

6: Phone chargers and the Wifi password are a must! Just a simple hand written note next to the bed with your wifi and password will do or you can print it off and put it in a pretty frame. Your guests will thank you!

7. Hangers! When I arrive I love to hang my clothes up in the closet and many times there are no hangers to be found. I’m not one to live out of my suitcase so often I travel with my own hangers. I would leave 10-20 extra hangers in your guest closet at all times. These wooden hangers are my favorite!

8. A vase of fresh flowers next to the bed will brighten up the room. There is nothing like fresh hydrangeas on the night stand. They are beautiful and definitely thoughtful.

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