
Back to School Self-Care Routines

With the kids back in school, sports and activities are in full force and our schedules are full. Before you know it, the holiday season will be here and things will become even more hectic. In the midst of it all, it’s hard to even think about taking time for ourselves but I try to schedule a few things throughout my week that will bring me joy and help me fill my cup. Sometimes it might only be for five minutes but I look forward to any time I can get. Here are some of my favorite ways to integrate self-care into my routine, depending on how much time I have.

If I have 5 minutes…

On hectic days that are jampacked, I try to find five minutes here or there to reset. This might mean sitting in a quiet place, closing my eyes and taking a few deep breaths. If the weather is nice, I like to do this outside to feel the sun on my face and listen to nature. Bonus points if I remember to put on a pair of my favorite Wander Beauty eye patches for an extra soothing boost.

If I have 20 minutes…

Some days I’m running around between clients and meetings while other days I’m sitting at my desk for hours on end. On those days, I like to take a 20 minute break to get up and stretch. Not only does it help to step away from my work, but it’s also good for my body. I like to take a few deep breaths while raising my arms overhead, do some side stretches, and touch my toes to stretch my hamstrings. If I’m feeling particularly sluggish, I go up and down the stairs a few times to get my heart rate up. The only problem with this is that I inevitably find some pile of laundry or toys scattered about that I end up getting distracted by.

If I have 45 minutes…

There are so many studies that have proven that spending time outside is good for our mental health. I love to spend time working in the garden, doing some yard work, or planting. It helps keep me grounded when I’m stressed. Sometimes there’s nothing more satisfying than getting your frustration out than by pulling weeds! For those months when it’s cold, I still try and bundle up and get outside for bit and go for a walk. The crisp, fresh air always perks me up.

If I have an hour or more…

I like to wake up an hour before the kids get up so I can have some quiet time. Sometimes I’ll just enjoy a cup of coffee on the porch or curl up on the sofa with a blanket. Other times I’ll go for a morning run and listen to an uplifting and motivational playlist to get me going for the day. If it’s the afternoon, I like to make myself a nourishing lunch full of greens, veggies, and fruit.

The ultimate luxury for me is having time to take a relaxing bath or shower where I can do a hair mask, exfoliate, etc. without having to rush. Then I like to wrap up in my favorite robe and apply my skincare routine. I try to do this once a week but let’s be honest, it doesn’t always happen. So I make sure and relish it when I can!

Kids self-care…

While our days revolve around our kids, they also need self-care. A lot of the time this might mean unstructured play time or free time. I let each kid pick what they’d like to do the most. This might be playing outside, building with their legos, or video games. These days Finley likes me to paint her nails. I also like for them to have solo time with Adam or I so that they feel special. Other times it means we’re all still in our pjs and snuggled up on the couch in the middle of the day. It’s important for them to rest and recharge as well.

I know at times it can be a challenge to find time for ourselves each day but let’s commit to filling up our own cup any way we can this fall! It’s all about finding what works best for you. If you like to wind down with a good book, check out my Summer Beach Reads and Fall Reads blog posts!

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